These 10 Things in Your Bedroom Might be the Reason of Your Illness

Broad Walk: Winchmore Hill, Roselind Wilson Design Roselind Wilson Design Bedroom
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If we told you that there are a host of items on your bedroom that are actually having a negative impact on your health, would you believe us? Well, it's totally true and the worst part about it is that many of these items are things that you've introduced in a bid to improve the health and or aesthetic of the room! Argh! Professional cleaners can spot a potential health hazard a mile away, but you need to be able to as well, which is why we're going to give a top 10 of nasties that you don't want to let your boudoir fall prey to! Let's get started!

1. Your pillows.

Your pillows might be comfy but they are also sponges for a range of rank things, including bacteria, mould spores, dead skin cells and dust mites. These will all lead to serious allergies and health problems, so try to look for washable pillows, or if you prefer, replace them every year and invest in a hypoallergenic pillow cover.

2. Houseplants.

Houseplants look great, often smell nice and do purify your air, but it's easy to fall into the trap of overwatering, which leads to root rot and mould! Never leave plants sitting in a tray of water and only water them when the soil is dry, otherwise respiratory issues, such as asthma could be triggered!

3. Pets.

We all love our furry friends, but they don't lead to a goo night's sleep! Not only do they fidget regularly, they also harbour a lot of nastiness, in their fur. Fleas are the least of your worries, as they will have dust, pollen, and bacteria in there as well, which get rubbed all over your bed linen, while they keep you awake!

4. Candles.

Candles are amazing for setting a romantic mood, but do know what isn't? The chemicals they give off! Scented paraffin candles can release harmful chemicals, such as benzene and toluene, as they burn, which can really impact people with ongoing respiratory issue. The safest way to go is to buy vegan-friendly candles, made from soy and no nasties!

5. The vacuum cleaner.

We know that your vacuum cleaner is meant to be ridding your bedroom of potential allergens, but if you have a standard bag inside yours, without a HEPA filter, you are probably just spraying all the pollen dirt and grime from the rest of the house into your boudoir! A HEPA filter really worth investing in!

6. Chemical cleaning products.

We know that you want your bedroom to gleam, smell great and feel fresh, but chemical cleaning products are not the way to go! You might think you've aired them all out before you go to sleep, but there will be lingering fumes, which you'll breath in all night and possibly get ill from! Using DIY cleaning products, made from store cupboard ingredients will totally negate this issue. 

7. The windows.

If you never open your bedroom windows, you might be trapping a whole lot of nasty stuff in there! Airing out spaces is vital for good health,but don't just take our word for it; the Environmental Protection Agency claims that indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outside! Quick; crack a window!

8. Dehumidifiers.

Dehumidifiers are great for solving certain issues, but if you don't swap out the collected water regularly, you'll be shocked at how quickly mould spores can develop and turn into a serious problem! Similarly, if you have air conditioning, always give your filters a good clean, as they can get rank as well!

9. Your mattress.

Everything your pillows can get full of, so can your mattress! This means that when you buy a new one, it's vital to get yourself a mattress protector as well, as combined with regular turning and vacuuming, you'll have a lot less bacteria and dust collecting around you in the night! Let's also not forget that old mattresses spell certain doom for sore backs, so don't cheap out! You can't buy a new back people!

10. Carpets and rugs.

A little softness goes a long way in a bedroom, which is why carpet and rugs are popular, but boy, they can really hold a lot of grime as well! Regular vacuuming goes without saying, but you'll also need to shampoo regularly and in all honesty, if you have asthma or any similar respiratory disorders, you'll definitely feel better without deep pile carpet in your bedroom!

For more top bedroom tips, take a look at this Ideabook: Improve your bedroom in just 1 day? Yes, you can!

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